Spirit of Entrepreneurial Thinking

Let's Get Entrepreneurial !

Grow your business using Key Performance Indicators

Tool: ‘Grow your business using Key Performance Indicators’  Key Performance Indicators, commonly referred to as KPI’s, are useful metrics that allow you to measure the success of your startup in various areas. KPI’s can accelerate the growth of your venture. This episode provides an overview and examples of how to use KPI’s in your business. […]

Funding a startup business – Bootstrapping

Tool: ‘Funding a startup business – Bootstrapping’  Do you have limited money to start a business? Bootstrap funding is a concept and solution you should embrace. This episode discusses methods to launch a business without seeking external funding. ‘OUR FAVORITE TOOLS FOR ENTREPRENEURS’ addresses startup and growth issues facing first time entrepreneurs. Our goal is […]

Do you own your business? Or does your business own you?

Tool: ‘Do you own your business? Or does your business own you?’ A common dilemma of business owners is having a business all consuming of your time allowing for no time for anything else. This episode addresses this important issue from multiple perspectives. ‘OUR FAVORITE TOOLS FOR ENTREPRENEURS’ addresses startup and growth issues facing first […]

Learning from failure is key to your success

Tool: Learning from failure – Is the fear of failure stopping you from launching a business? This is a common concern among startup entrepreneurs. This episode discusses key aspects relating to failure and how to overcome your fears. ‘OUR FAVORITE TOOLS FOR ENTREPRENEURS’ addresses startup and growth issues facing first time entrepreneurs. Our goal is […]

How can rapid growth turn your business dream into a nightmare?

Tool: Controlled Growth – Rapid growth of your business can be exhilarating but it could turn your business dream into a nightmare. This episode analyzes controlled growth vs. uncontrolled growth. Addressing this distinction often leads to the difference between success and failure of your business. ‘OUR FAVORITE TOOLS FOR ENTREPRENEURS’ addresses startup and growth issues […]

Interview with Elizabeth Greenberg: Solving the Puzzle of Social Media for Startup Entrepreneurs

Tool: Solving the Puzzle of Social Media for Startup Entrepreneurs – Are results from social media disappointing for your startup? Are you overwhelmed trying to get positive outcomes for your business? Today’s episode is an interview with social media specialist addressing these issues and more. ‘OUR FAVORITE TOOLS FOR ENTREPRENEURS’ addresses startup and growth issues […]

Cash flow is the lifeblood of a business

Tool: Cash Flow – Cash flow is the difference between the available cash at the beginning of an accounting period and cash at the end of the period. Understanding the concept of cash flow and how to manage it is critical to the success of an entrepreneurial venture. Many businesses fail because of poor cash […]